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If your child had an EHCP issued before year 5, you may remember having to express a preference for a place at mainstream school or special school on a Transfer to Secondary Education (TSE) form. This form was completed with your child’s primary school and might have taken place at your child’s Year 5 Annual Review. A similar process will happen again when your child is at the end of Key Stage 4 (Year 10), to allow your child to continue their education into Key Stage 5 (Post 16) either at a school, further education college, or in work-based training.


You and your child will be asked to express a preference for a place at a school or further education college on a Transfer to Post 16 Education (T16) form. Recently, Medway Council have changed their paper form to an online form and you should have communication about this in the post from Medway Council. 


You will be asked to express up to 3 preferences and these discussions about post 16 options should form part of your child’s annual review. The local authority (Medway Council) will consult your preferred school or provision and potentially other schools or provisions that may be able to meet your child’s needs. 


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