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Rivermead School promotes and delivers a whole school approach to developing Careers Education and Employability skills for all learners. The CEIAG and Employability skills programme is underpinned by our whole school approach to developing a bespoke Skills for Life and the Gatsby Benchmarks.  The Rivermead Pathways outcomes are integral to the curriculum offer and individual EHCP outcomes across each school Phase and students’ stage of development and reflect an individual approach to meeting students’ needs and future ambitions, which includes preparing for:

  • Further education and/or employment: including exploring a range of career and employment options such help from supported employment agencies.

  • Independent living: so that young adults have choice, control and freedom over their lives and the support they have and need for their livelihood, accommodation and living arrangements.

  • Participating in society: including having a job, friends, supportive relationships, and participating in/contributing to the local community.

  • Being as healthy as possible throughout adult life.

This approach enables the different development needs of our cohort to benefit from a wide range of enriching and stimulating career, employability and work related skills provision and gives our students every opportunity to reach their full potential regardless of their needs. Career related aspirations and goals can vary widely for young people with additional or different needs and yet equally valid to individuals and their families. Where appropriate, FE colleges, further training, supported internships, apprenticeships, employment and volunteering are all part of that picture. We want our students and you, their parents/carers, to be aware of the all the opportunities available and work in partnership towards a shared belief that many of our young people are capable of sustaining paid employment with the right preparation and support.

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