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Rivermead is committed to providing high quality Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance to help inspire students and to enable them to make rational informed career decisions. Rivermead School aims to meet all eight Benchmarks identified by the Gatsby Foundation. 


Rivermead School has identified the benchmarks and how we embed them into the school using the Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit for SEND schools.  

Careers education at Rivermead School is the responsibility of everyone. In our CEIAG policy, we have specified that all teaching staff MUST:


'Teaching staff

  • Ensuring careers education is planned into their lessons.

  • Attend any relevant CPD or training to ensure they are up-to-date with the school’s careers plan.

  • Promote careers guidance in the classroom through visual aids.

  • Create a learning environment that allows and encourages learners to tackle real life challenges, manage risks and develop skills that can be applied to the workplace.


Support Staff

  • Support for students and key staff in the above plus supporting accessing work placements'


Some other ‘extras’ that school staff might support careers education might be:


  • Develop links with businesses and organisations

  • Welcome and help facilitate external speakers to come into school (virtually where an actual visit is not feasible)

  • Organise and facilitate learners to visit local businesses/organisations relevant to the teaching subject

  • Take part in whole school ‘Careers Days’ where all teachers start their lesson with a careers focus, such as talking about their career pathway or showing a short film where people in a range of job roles explain the relevance of skills developed in a particular subject area to their role. 

  • Explore the possibility of developing real projects/challenges for students with a local businesses or organisations e.g. a local company setting IT students the task of designing/updating their website

  • Contribute to ‘impact stories’ to show a start and finish journey of a particular learner and other good news stories


Labour Market Information (LMI)
























For more information about how to deliver Careers Education in subject areas and why, please go to the 'Careers Education Resources' page by clicking the blue link. 

The above video is a really useful tool which explains LMI and how to use it in schools. Please also use the link at the bottom of the screen to look at LMI in Medway. 

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