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Free resources to support your subject lesson in school.

  1. Start by reading page 44 in the SEND Gatsby Benchmark Toolkit and watch the YouTube video on this page help you understand how to implement careers education into your subject lesson and why.

  2. Search for free resources using the links below: 

My Learning, My Future is a suite of Benchmark 4 resources to support subject teaching staff, from over 20 subjects at KS3 & 4, to engage students in curriculum learning by highlighting the relevance of their subjects to future careers and opportunities.

The aim of the resources is for students to see the relevance and value of subject curriculum teaching and learning and to be explicitly supported in making connections between subjects and pathways to positive transitions.

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. For example, STEM subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of future career paths.

If you are looking for something a little different or general, then take a look at the resource directory which is at the bottom of the link. Searches can be narrowed down using the side toolbar. 

Don't forget to link your subject areas to Labour Market Information (LMI). How much would someone working as a Chef or Kitchen Assistant earn in general? How much would they earn in Kent or Medway? What jobs are available locally within your subject? 

Siemens has created a vast portfolio of free, stimulating and curriculum linked resources to be used in the classroom.

​All subject staff should link curriculum with careers, even on courses that are not specifically occupation-led. For example, STEM subject staff should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of career paths.



CASCAID has put together some ready-made activities to help achieve Gatsby Benchmarks. Some might be useful for your lesson but may need some adaptation for SEND. Click the link to download. 

The Army have a wonderful resources area on their website to support school staff which includes booking speakers and free downloadable lesson plans. Areas covered are:

- Character Education

- Employability Skills,


- Mental Health

The NHS has a range of resources to support KS2, 3 and 4. They showcase the wide range of careers available in the NHS as well as developing key employability skills. 

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