Years 7, 8 and 9 enjoyed a week of activities to support their careers education in school
National Careers Week took place from Monday 7th March – Friday 11th March and to celebrate, KS3 took part in various activities during the week.
To start on Tuesday 8th, Pathways, EPR, Year 7 and Year 8 played a very successful guessing game called ‘What’s My job?’ where we were very fortunate to have 5 volunteers who gave up their own time from NHS, Kent Police and Medway Council to come and support this activity and without them, this activity simply couldn’t have run. The learners enjoyed this activity very much as it gave them a personable interaction with the employer as well as them being able to learn more about the different types of jobs within large organisations. Learners worked in teams to ask questions with the employer only really being able to answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and with information being formed, learners had to work out what type of job that volunteer did.
Next, on Wednesday 9th March, we welcomed some people from DWP (Chatham Jobcentre) who ran a workshop with years 7,8 and 9 with the focus of labour market information (LMI) and the jobs that are available in the Kent and Medway areas. The learners found out what different types of jobs there were in the different job sectors.
Finally, on Thursday 10th March, years 7,8 and 9 met with Stuart from ASK Apprenticeships to find out about what an apprenticeship is and what types of apprenticeships are available with well known organisations, as well as locally. Stuart was pleasantly surprised as to how many questions he had about apprenticeships and how well engaged all of the year groups were.
We had a really active week in school to celebrate this event which is part of our school careers programme. Unfortunately, due to mock exams, KS4 could not take part but they will not miss out as we have scheduled speakers to come back next term.